Wednesday, May 12, 2010

artist Brandi Strickland

Visit her at to see all her amazing works.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Polarised Light Microscopy

There are amazing things all around us we just have to find them... For more visit Dave's flickr site. These are various chemicals crystals photographed under polarised light.

Monday, April 26, 2010

artist Sarah Giannonbile

Artist from St Louis see her other beautiful work on her web site here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

photographer Daniel Bos

Talented photographer Daniel Bos's B & W underwater shots. Something about black and white underwater photos always gets me going. Maybe I was a fish in my past life or maybe I'm a creepy perv who likes to see people half naked... Either way these shots are beautiful. See a bunch of his other great stuff on flickr or at his web site Bosphotography.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

artist APAK

Aaron and Ayumi Piland are two physically separate beings who are united in art as APAK. They met in a distant dimension and traveled to Earth together in a magic imagination machine. Using their art, they have learned to exchange energy with beings throughout the universe. From their secret sky cabin, they are sending out their signal hopes of contacting other creative life forms. Visit them at...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Moon photos

My favorite series of photos maybe ever... I forget where they came from or who they're by (not helpful I know) but I never tire of looking at them regardless. They're just beautifully mesmerising...

Friday, April 16, 2010

artist Michael McConnel

San Francisco artist Michael McConnel view his web page with all his artwork here or visit his shop here.

Cover your mouth...

please. High speed photography at it's revoltingly best. I can almost feel it on the back of my neck when I'm on the train.

artist Jenna Newton

Find her on Esty or visit her here.

How to photograph star trails

Photographing star trails is one of the more easier techniques to conquer... For full instructions follow this link.

Satoshi Kuribayashi's pioneering macro work

For more information about and images by Satoshi Kuribayashi, visit his web site Kuriken, (mainly in Japanese).

Ernst Haeckel biologist extraordinaire

Ernst Haeckel was an eminent German biologist from the 1800's that bridged the gap between art and science. For full story see this link.

Vintage Summer Postcards

Wish I had a goat to ride into town on.